Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2016

As an Tenth Year Psychiatric Student

Studying medicine was fun but taking physics is hard if you r hving prblems with ur faith. I am a youth d12 member since 2003. This was the time we studied Electromagnetics. Do you believe in God? I asked the professor. She does not believe in God. All the more I got depressed. Then I continued my study against my will. Thank goodness that all my subjects in the school I studied in was during my free hours.

Then I failed to meet the requirements of physics fundamentals II and they gave me 2.5 for asserting that Electrodynamics theory is wrong because of models I made. This is freaking e out. I discovered that electrodyanamics theory was wrong. I had a chance to be famous again. I really don't know what career path to take whether PHD or continue helping others in the mdicl field.

I am also a attorney-in-fact with MCEA accreditation L6. I don't know which path to take.

Science can explain magic to a certain point. Then you have to believe on something bigger than yourself- a God or a supreme being.

I continued failing physics due to wrong physics. Quantum Mechanics ShrÖdinger Equation is outright wrong in the book we used in college. What the? Why does it have my surname paired with SchÖdinger? Now. What should I do? Have problems with the law if I continue my physics career? Or have my intelligence and knowledge be stolen from me. And continuous mocking law against me.

Now the shrÖginger Equation (TISC),it have my name with it. K. Otake, E. Shrodinger 1980, published in a German journal. The jury of California decided for him to publish how to make the bomb to prepare for war.

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