Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2016

My Journey as A Student-Doctor AT PGH

Studying medicine should not be taken lightly because God placed the life of the person on your hands. According to our oath, "if it is in our responsibility to take a life, we would handle it with utmost responsibility and and humility.

In pgh, there are hierachies of command from the consultant doctor, trainer, supervisor and teamleads and members. The level of an eight year psychiatry intern is higher logarithmitically higher than that of a seventh year. They have thesis topics that they have to defend and they experiment on their patients. Those patients who are admitted are hand picked through all population. Giving them large amounts of medicine and keep them until they graduate.

There are those people who became patients and returns to the OPD and their doctor graduated already. Who will take care them?

How can they monitor their patients if there are no full-time doctors there. I was employed by them April 15, 2016. And had my pay April 30, 2016. I am late always because I have to travel from Broadway Centrum to PGH. It takes 1 hour and 30 minutes of travel. From Broadway Centrum to PGH and two hours from Broadway Centrum to Asian Hospital Medical Arts Building.

I lost my identity and they are triggering what I did to a patient of mine triggering amok then I will be sent to a doctor and have a months stay at PGH.

They worked together with my current doctor and family. I study again start from Level 7 to study what a man envy.

Drugs were placed on me. For what I know, I should be given vitamins and discuss with the doctor my liver thing.

I have a friend who wants to take my identity. and we will give it to them.

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