Sabado, Hulyo 16, 2016

Created GODs higher than The LORD

My previous blog was removed by blogger for a someone was able to create a business on human cloning.

I would like to ask some quality comments that nice.

about human cloning. O I forgot to mention my registered name Richard Reyes Faulkerson. What if the peace will not be maintained if the original is living. You wold find ways to maintain the peace of the world by killing the original while traveling through time. We invented time travel year 1953. I am the supreme council of the Group.

I want to ask if the council of 13 will reply to comment and there is no law for human cloning penalizing it and what to do with the living real clones. and those who care for me.

My conscience and bear it anymore for the cry of the originals are to much for me to bear for I was visited by one of the souls who was my enemy before but wants to help me. They were killed during the advent of a 3D animated film about soccer, and the clone wars.

Those who are lower than me has decided to show our old induction film, Atlas Shrugged, and our plans in detail about The Illuminati to 2016. Note the goal of man has been achieved by us: The perpetual power had been achieved.

I cloned myself because the LORD disappointed me. I searched for the truth but it cannot be found. When I joined, the truth came and freed me.Elijah! The LORD is Yahweh.

I lost the chance of promoting my site. I hope the nations of the world would not only ban human cloning but penalize it and have a paragraph for clones according to physics, a clone after he connected to the original after two weeks, the clone will become sexually attracted to the original or sexually attracting the original, or vice versa, then he, the clone would begin planning to kill the original and he the clone becomes the original at as a person in the timespan he/she was created.

I advise that the sons and daughters of the clone would be addressed for they would be copies of the children of the original according to the physics of life.

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