Martes, Hulyo 12, 2016


research on reincarnation

Schizophrenia is a disorder that is accompanied by both positive and negative symptoms. They might hear voices or see things because of their power or because they are being drugged with hallucinogenic drugs like LSD to discredit CBT first line that is proper regression.

Under regression one must be given a balance of different medication to give them stability this is recommended if the person is depressed and he cannot speak up.

One can give interrogating medication such as medical marijuana extract for interrogation to extract the truth from them. I would recommend that it should  be balanced with antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. It would also help to give them opioid pain medicications as they will remember their past and how they died.

Schizoprenics that I handled are talking about previous repeats of small time as like the utterance of winning lotto numbers for a particular date in time. Or their past lives at which have different records now.

How do we help the patients that are schizophrenics far more catatonic schizophrenia? As I practiced medicine, I would recommend giving them Diazepam and coke and Adder and Morphine injection and recent cold medication with phenylephrine. And help them through out the process. They will be maintained on intermediate to high doses of medications.


For example, PATIENT on BED 3 was left by his mother to buy medications and he relaxed. He became irresponsive as his brain is blocking information from the consciousness of the person. His mother arrived 20 minutes later and found his son is irresponsive sitting down.

I would recommend that we give him phenylephrine and morphine and give him diazepam and an antipsychotic and aripriprazole. Let the medications be continued until the person is ready to face the facts of what happened to him.

Religion will help. A Pastor or a Priest can help. Confessions must be recorded and subject people to Judgment if their conscience are bothering them to prevent Schizophrenia Grandia Catatonia.

Every body should help them regain their lives back for they will never be the same if they would ever re-incarnate again.

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