Biyernes, Hulyo 15, 2016

Our Testimony

The Lord says, "The time for the desolation to be poured out on the desolator has been finished. They shall prophesy for 1260 days and they will die. They will rise again as the prophet of desolation and the Antichrist" The LORD continues, "The one who killed you my son, I will touch. Please watch 700 club."

"Easau, the child of Rebekah, forgive your LORD for allowing these things to happen to you everything happens for a reason. You are anointed by the LORD to protect your brother. The Lord answered Cain's question, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Yes you are his keeper. My child. The LORD sold his firstborn birthright too and knows exactly how you feel for chicken curry  (meat stew)., "forgive me for showing favoritism Easau to your brother Yakob Boudiaf I should have treated you equally. I have learned so much during these time of suffering."

"This is what the LORD says you O people of Israel, "When I was bethrowed to you who were near me. You showed me the care of a virgin. We never touched each other and kept distance. But my witnesses have been played upon but I know it is the plan of the LORD. I forgive them but I would like to seep for justice and help from people who have concern for me not rejecting the help of others. I go on by testifying even you search for the truth the truth will find you and set you free. The LORD YAHWEH is God and there is no other like Him. His plans are higher than anything else. The goodness of his being are unfathomable. The LORD YAHWEH is also human like us not superior now but He will be promoted by those who trust in him.", declares the LORD.

The LORD says, "O in the spirit of the great priest Zerubbabel, do not despise small beginnings. Kazuo B. Otake"

This is what the LORD says, "I see you filhty for you have not taken a bath. This is you in the spirit also. I will give you new robes and cleanse you from your wickedness o Younger of The Two. You O Kazuo Who bears my name, do not be discouraged I will lift up in the future. See, I am changing you. I will be glorified in your life and through you. Goodness will be seen in you again. Love will from from yourself to in you and others. I will fix the love problem you have."

We live near where the Witnesses of the LORD's are. goodness will come and preach to the nations that are in covenant relationship with the LORD.

Guys we have 1260 days to go.

The cloning was the programme of the Philippine government starting Feb 28, 1986. Since the Discovery of Imeda Marcos wealth and when the Rothschilds came secretly to the Philippine territory back then during the reign of Ferdinald Marcos. The start of a former president of the Country back then. Until now. I was enticed to join the cloning team for scholarships to to universities in the Philippines. Especially BS Medicine Psychiatry 2002. I graduated Magna cum Laude 2016. I should have accepted the thanks of people if I have achieved something especially with the help of the Lord. I should known I can boast something but this is in faith.

That is the beginning of my testimony.

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