Biyernes, Hulyo 15, 2016

We are T_T Crazy

Due to the experimentation done to me by lower batch, My brain is in shambles. My personality too. I really don't know that medicines can break your mind specially an interrogating anti-anxiotic medication DORMICUM.

Lord I pray for my doctors, touch them remove their hate in their hearts and minds. Lord heal every wounds. Lord I pray I would be able to eat burger for I really like that rather than pasta. Lord I have taste fatigue already. If it is not Your will for me to eat burgers from that store. I will accept it.

Lord, enable me to treat Dr. Jon Gilbert Remulla properly and know his true Identity. Lord thank you. Enable us to speak out and treat each other as each other's patient if it is Your will.

Lord, I pray that you would give my mom the ability to produce wealth and his group. I pray also for my counter agent that he will not bother me again. LORD thank you.

Lord I pray that the shame campaign would lessen as time goes by for I was shamed harshly by others.

Lord show that you are strong. Protect Your servant. I pray for Filipinos worldwide. Fill them with the Power of the Holy Spirit on if they opt-in. Let them accept the call they were chosen for.

Oh Lord, everything. Teach me how to pray. I repent for being a false prophet. But I know this will be for the show down.

In Yahweh's name. Amen.

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