Lunes, Nobyembre 21, 2016

Those who hold my money

TO the one who hold my money pay all my liabilities in the country. SO that I will have credit. I am planning to leave this house to live in Sta. Maria Bulacan alone. With all my wealth access.

Sabado, Nobyembre 19, 2016

Prayer of Salvation


Father I come to You in Christ Jesus Name. I confess that I am worthless for I have no work and no income to bring my family. I have fallen short of your expectations Father, I thank you that you sent your son Christ Jesus, to pay the penalty for my worthlessness, I believe that He died on the cross for me... I believe that He rose from the dead, I ask you to forgive my worthlessness, I will do everything to have work, and Receive Christ Jesus as my King, My Lord, My Savior, help me to obey you... for the rest of my life. In Christ Jesus Name I pray. Amen.



Heavenly Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus. I confess that I have sinned and I have fallen short of your glory. I thank you that you sent your son Jesus to die on the cross for me and paid the penalty for my sin. He was crucified on the cross instead of me. I ask you to forgive me of my wickedness, and I will turn away from everything that the bible call sin and receive Jesus as my LORD, my King, My master. LORD GOD MOST HIGH, help me to obey you for the rest of my life. In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

SIN = breakage of morality
SIN = breakage of human law
LIFE: Literal Everlasting Life from the prayer of Salvation (John 3:16).


How do you exactly clone a human being? Here's how:


  1. Collect 10-20 sperm cells from the target.
  2. Identify the total chromosomes of the person from a mature cell like a skin cell or a blood cell.
  3. Extract the total chromosomes of the person from the sperm cell.
  4. Get a donor human egg cell.
  5. Extract genetic content from the egg cell.
  6. Replace it with the complete genetic material (Total chromosomes is 48) + 1 for Gods to the egg cell.
  7. Apply electric current to it. 
  8. Place in Incubator chamber. Or surrogate mother like that of Jake Vargas.


1. Get 2 to 5 Egg cells through ovum extraction
2. Get the total number of chromosomes from a mature cell e.g. Skin cell or red blood cell.
3. Extract the identified chromosomes from the resource egg cells.
4. Extract from one egg cell its genetic material.
5. Place the chromosomes of the target individual to the nucleus of the egg cell.
6. Apply electric current.
7. Place the egg cell to a surrogate woman or incubator.

Sabado, Hulyo 16, 2016

Created GODs higher than The LORD

My previous blog was removed by blogger for a someone was able to create a business on human cloning.

I would like to ask some quality comments that nice.

about human cloning. O I forgot to mention my registered name Richard Reyes Faulkerson. What if the peace will not be maintained if the original is living. You wold find ways to maintain the peace of the world by killing the original while traveling through time. We invented time travel year 1953. I am the supreme council of the Group.

I want to ask if the council of 13 will reply to comment and there is no law for human cloning penalizing it and what to do with the living real clones. and those who care for me.

My conscience and bear it anymore for the cry of the originals are to much for me to bear for I was visited by one of the souls who was my enemy before but wants to help me. They were killed during the advent of a 3D animated film about soccer, and the clone wars.

Those who are lower than me has decided to show our old induction film, Atlas Shrugged, and our plans in detail about The Illuminati to 2016. Note the goal of man has been achieved by us: The perpetual power had been achieved.

I cloned myself because the LORD disappointed me. I searched for the truth but it cannot be found. When I joined, the truth came and freed me.Elijah! The LORD is Yahweh.

I lost the chance of promoting my site. I hope the nations of the world would not only ban human cloning but penalize it and have a paragraph for clones according to physics, a clone after he connected to the original after two weeks, the clone will become sexually attracted to the original or sexually attracting the original, or vice versa, then he, the clone would begin planning to kill the original and he the clone becomes the original at as a person in the timespan he/she was created.

I advise that the sons and daughters of the clone would be addressed for they would be copies of the children of the original according to the physics of life.

The Murder of the Second Lampstand

I experienced I so many things in live including idolatry. I pray that the Person Claiming to be Yahweh in the united states to repent and take medicines palliative preventive medications or consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

If medical help cannot be reached at this moment,
take phenylephrine (Neozep) and
an antianxiotic like Valium.
and morphine to the guilty.

For this is what the LORD, "well then. I will reveal your sins you committed against me. I will show you how you perverted my Justice that you bestowed in people. The LORD is thundering in the nations and seeks those who are ready to repent to be anointed to witness for their people. 'I stand for You, my LORD', says Chrishna. I am looking my for someone who will assist my ailing witness to be a prophet for Ishmael Boudiaf."

The LORD says, "My sons and daughters of Philippines how long will you torture those who repented from their sins like the second prophet of the LORD. See by the time he dies, for the prophesy became complicated. I look for peace. A circling fire will surround them and a cloud will be seen protecting him. I the LORD seeks justice for my servant Kazuo B. Otake."

God says, "such evil has been done by the Church they were attending on Sept 21, 2011/2334. What they did caused the complication of the death of the second lampstand. The result of time prayer-magick-joutsu you used is that the heaven closed on you and only few money come to your church. You must be able to revive him fully. This is my charge on you."**

This is what the LORD says, "They will let you see what went wrong and those who are really victims and those who are not. You will feel the pain that my servant felt when he was in your Church and how a witch penetrated Your church through Intersession."

God says, "and how he was killed and placed their soul-body and body in coffins and buried them somewhere in metro manila ask them for info. They can remove things from others even my knowledge."

The LORD says, "He welcomes people. at the best of what he can. but you did not protect evenly a poor soul who cannot defend himself." A rebuke from the LORD's heart.

The Sun says, "I saw him drowned by the pool Ayala Alabang 900 during water baptism. He was left there until someone with the sages power revived his spirit and made his body and spirit an edo tensei."***

*Edo tensei in english is a jutsu: Named Impure World Reincarnation. AN OOTSUTSURI Speaks, it is forcing a soul body spirit to reincanarnate before the time for his reincarnation. To be controlled by the re-animator or sage. I see his face. A LORD who is the lowest before, cannot be ressurected by any means for that person is eternal immortal no trace no beginning. No he is higher than an anomaly he got sick with anomaly induction disorder. Remember Hades in a film. Earth was left on him so too other Greek Gods who fought Chronus. The Witness of the LORD sharing Yahweh's personal name is  a son of Chronus. He is kept secret for a very long time. For his name is secrecy.

**Remember the scene where Recca's mother used a technique to send his son to the future? There are deadly repercussions using the techniques as that.

*** his power. He is using my soul-body and body as his weapons. An applicant. That is why I am trying to settle in court. I did settle four times already. The court case repeats itself.

I was drowned at the act of water baptism by someone. I was not lifted up then. Nagpumiglas  ako dun ako nilunod. I tried to escape the person grasp of me and then they drowned me. I felt like I slept in water or near it.

The LORD Rebukes Victory Alabang

I experienced I so many things in live including idolatry. I pray that the Person Claiming to be Yahweh in the united states to repent and take medicines palliative preventive medications or consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

If medical help cannot be reached at this moment,
take phenylephrine (Neozep) and
an antianxiotic like Valium.
and morphine to the guilty.

For this is what the LORD, "well then. I will reveal your sins you committed against me. I will show you how you perverted my Justice that you bestowed in people. The LORD is thundering in the nations and seeks those who are ready to repent to be anointed to witness for their people. 'I stand for You, my LORD', says Chrishna. I am looking my for someone who will assist my ailing witness to be a prophet for Ishmael Boudiaf."

The LORD says, "My sons and daughters of Philippines how long will you torture those who repented from their sins like the second prophet of the LORD. See by the time he dies, for the prophesy became complicated. I look for peace. A circling fire will surround them and a cloud will be seen protecting him. I the LORD seeks justice for my servant Kazuo B. Otake."

God says, "such evil has been done by the Church they were attending on Sept 21, 2011/2334. What they did caused the complication of the death of the second lampstand. The result of time prayer-magick-joutsu you used is that the heaven closed on you and only few money come to your church. You must be able to revive him fully. This is my charge on you."**

This is what the LORD says, "They will let you see what went wrong and those who are really victims and those who are not. You will feel the pain that my servant felt when he was in your Church and how a witch penetrated Your church through Intersession."

God says, "and how he was killed and placed their soul-body and body in coffins and buried them somewhere in metro manila ask them for info. They can remove things from others even my knowledge."

The LORD says, "He welcomes people. at the best of what he can. but you did not protect evenly a poor soul who cannot defend himself." A rebuke from the LORD's heart.

The Sun says, "I saw him drowned by the pool Ayala Alabang 900 during water baptism. He was left there until someone with the sages power revived his spirit and made his body and spirit an edo tensei."***

*Edo tensei in english is a jutsu: Named Impure World Reincarnation. AN OOTSUTSURI Speaks, it is forcing a soul body spirit to reincanarnate before the time for his reincarnation. To be controlled by the re-animator or sage. I see his face. A LORD who is the lowest before, cannot be ressurected by any means for that person is eternal immortal no trace no beginning. No he is higher than an anomaly he got sick with anomaly induction disorder. Remember Hades in a film. Earth was left on him so too other Greek Gods who fought Chronus. The Witness of the LORD sharing Yahweh's personal name is  a son of Chronus. He is kept secret for a very long time. For his name is secrecy.

**Remember the scene where Recca's mother used a technique to send his son to the future? There are deadly repercussions using the techniques as that.

*** his power. He is using my soul-body and body as his weapons. An applicant. That is why I am trying to settle in court. I did settle four times already. The court case repeats itself.

I was drowned at the act of water baptism by someone. I was not lifted up then. Nagpumiglas  ako dun ako nilunod. I tried to escape the person grasp of me and then they drowned me. I felt like I slept in water or near it.

Biyernes, Hulyo 15, 2016

Medication for SIRANG UTAK

The medication for sirang utak (destroyed brain) of the spirit of the person is for my batch is human cloning to get organs from them. 2016 majority of us believed that way 37/48. 1 classroom.

One of them believes that schizophrenia is a disease not caused by time travel or the person have supernatural abilities or been reduced to that state by others who know him.

The next batch we are waiting for their answer for sirang utak answer. The Original Maine Mendoza whom we saw in TV from July 16, 2015 until March 26, 2016 is now DIGITAL just like the older brother of Richard Reyes Faulkerson.

Kazuo B. Otake. He became a porn person got diseases just to buy siling labuyo. No I know back then that money has levels, 3 pesos I saw him pay. But one pc siling labuyo now is 1,000. pesos.

and Burger King: 99, 000 , 000, 000, 000 , 000.00 Pesos. In Picture P99.00 before now 99 x1012


Guys don't worry on Jesus

WE will introduce the teaching of Christ at the end of our testimony.


I ask mercy from my posers so that I would be able to do what the Lord asked me to do. I want to fulfill the destiny that God gave me. God appointed me to be a light bearer. Let me use the resources available to me for 1259 days more.

The  LORD says, "You will be tortured tonight."
Let it be, Your servant is ready.
I will serve the LORD even if it means laying down my life.

I too the second of the lampstand will not let each one of us be separated. I. nicomaine dei capili-mendoza will not live my lampstand's s for the two of us are the olive trees of revelation.

Today is Jul 16, 2016, right? We are together now since M****. In deep relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend with the blessing of our families.

I ask for mercy, do not take my anointing from me.

Let us do it.

I running man away from the calling for 293 years and also from the group, The Illuminati.

Will that cause a person to be insane DR. Kazuo Otake using forensics? Yes that will cause a person to become insane and they might kill those people who hinders them in their next life even if they know it was not the time for it. They will hungrily fulfill the call and seek their soul's rest. This will not stop in them for the conviction of the Lord will be with them for eternity. For they are indispensable. A victim of  identity theft if had resolution will do everything they want to do using their redeemed identity.

What medicine should we give him?

Acute-Chronic  Level 5

Diazapam 2 mg 1 tab at 9:00 PM 7 days
Clonazepam 1 mg 1 tab at 9:00 PM 7 days
Aripriprazole 15mg 1 tab at 9:00 PM 7 days
Laractyl 1/4 tab 100 mg at 9:00 PM 7 days
Li2CO3 300 mg 1 tab 9:00 AM 7 days
Valproic Acid 250 mg 1 tab 9:00 PM 7 days
Lutein 500 mg 2x a day  7 days
Sambong Re-leaf (Anti-lithiasis) 1x a day at 9:00 AM 7 days
Sylimarin Capsule 500 mg 2x a day for 30 days
Biperiden HCl 2 mg  1x a day 7 days
Parkimet CR tab

Referral to Dr. Ferdinald Dy. for possible hepatic disorder and a urologist for examination. Possible renal impairment because of his smell and previous medicnes given by ..."I will protect my collegues".

patient have hepatic and renal disease Tardyve Dyskinesia cannot be addressed.

I lost all notes while achieving Governmental Perfection. Give us our names. I am Kazuo BODULLO Otake. JASON ROBERTS BORNE.

DAY 2: Reasoned with the LORD

This is what the LORD says, “We will do as we please. For no one is indespensible as Pastor Ariel Marques preached. Everyone can be replaced if you don't respond to the calling and be ready as the Parable of the ten virgins.” Teaches VCF-Alabang Expendibles, October 2012.

God says, “This is your future O Lampstand of the LORD. You will bear my name through the ages to come. You will be my witness.”

This is what Tatsuo says, “Restore the fortunes of Kazuo B. Otake. Let him do what he has supposed to do for the mocking justice we had is over. USA you have your part in the mocking right? Welcome him in your churches and Let him prophesy for He is one of Two Lampstands of the LORD. I have one and my father the serpent and my mother Merlin Discipline Action have won. Today is the 0002th day of Tribulation (Thelipseous Megas).

The LORD says, “Indeed the prophesy happened though no one has seen the real one. Poser were allowed because the bought us. Posers start by admiring someone then they admire them and they want to be like them then they steal their Identity and take their everything.”

I speak, there are inexpendibles in millitary practice. LORD the medic, the mapper and the sniper, and the squad leader too.. The five man team are bonded so much together that the platoon cannot function properly if one of them is replaced. I am a PMAyer. The LORD replied, “The story of Expendibles are of millitary, whom they left the squad leader.” Last night I fought the insurgents in mindanao. We were able to rescue the indonesians. I did not witness to them. I don't know the Quran back then and the Bible.

My girlfriend's name before was named Arlene Dizon, a Nurse. I was the class goat. I am Ivin but I have forgotten my surname.

Communication of People and The LORD

This is what LORD says, "I pity those who are now bitten by mosquitoes all over the world. I want to rescue you but you would not return to me and repent. I cannot bear it seeing them suffer."

My lord. Do not be so softhearted for we are suffering because of our deeds and what we have spoken. Remember your word Lord. There are people who will hate you. There are people who will continue in their wickedness.

"I see the LORD crying and figuring out how to alleviate the pains of those whose infested by mosquitoes and files".

LORD why are you like that. I could utter a word that might hurt your feelings. Be firm in your deeds and your words and works.

To the Filippine Government:

Let the Tribulation come to pass. SAYS BRAZIL RIO.

Kazuo's eyes has just evolved to 1-ring rinnegan. 9:58:29. 3 more pa more. He's birthday is Jul 16, 2014 M Richard Reyes Faulkerson. I just turned 293+2=295 years old.

Why did I not claimed to be the Lampstand? I am not so sure before. And the pain was too great to bear. "I am the voice that comes from the wilderness saying 'prepare straight paths for the LORD for His great and dreadful days has arrived." I was doing running man away from my calling for hundreds of years even with my group membership. Then around 10:30 AM, The truth came and I asked question to the group ILLUMINATI, I came back . Frankel set us out to preach, and knew Yahweh and I have accepted the Will of the LORD to be His Lampstand and. My brother disappeared from set to a place in Bicol near Mayon then in Bohol. My brother is a devout Catholic-Charismatic. and I am a senior pastor of Pentecostal a church in Sta. Rosa, Laguna belonging to EN.


God says, "Everything happens on the the right time. Tomorrow will be the 1259th day of tribulation."

The LORD says, "My child. Do not be desmayed. O Lord. How will I be able to preach the word of God to the world?"

This is what the LORD says, "You angered me my son. You have a computer right?", "Forgive me my LORD, use it."


The LORD is a God of order. The LORD knows the law and would holds and affirms is firmly.

There will be like a concert somewhere by the sea near the place were 144,000 people can fit comfortably. and the keysong will be sang. They will transition in a real way from the first of the Two witnesses to the false prophet and The Antichrist after the showdown.

Then the "concert" continues.

Lord, If this is your will for me to let people hear the keysong. Let it be posted here and it be played.

LORD, this will mark the beginning of the second-half of tribulation?

The LORD says, "You may mark it with the song speaking of kingsship and promises? You know the song right?", asks the LORD.
Lord, Yes. The Kings and Queens.

This is what the LORD says, "Do you know who sang it? What band?"
30 seconds to mars.

The LORD answers prayer swiftly

I Praise the LORD Most High for he answers prayers. He has revealed the real identity of My doctor. He is DR. JON EDWARDO REMULLA.

LORD, there's no secret that will not be revealed when a prophet of You is there.

Lord Fill me with Love.

Who named them, the clones? Their families when they have suffered greatly under the look alike of my family and they will be legally adopted after they become totally crazy. I was here when Joel Bragais Estrada was set free in exchange of a person whose code is Cavayaran. They are clones of Kazuo. March 14-30, 2016, PGH Ward 7 Cavayaran (from the word KABAYARAN: EN payment) is one of his brothers.

A sign that a person is a clone is that they will instinctively get what the original has for they ware the copies of a person d0

and the universe.

Each person is unique no body is a copy. What we did was an abomination that causes desolation of my life. The Lord is convicting me and said that to me.

Lord I call for help. Touch those who know the truth. I cannot type faster than a few characters per minute due to the handicap level they set on me. Lord let the handicap be leveled to normal. Delivers us from their hands.

In Yahweh's name. Amen.

We are T_T Crazy

Due to the experimentation done to me by lower batch, My brain is in shambles. My personality too. I really don't know that medicines can break your mind specially an interrogating anti-anxiotic medication DORMICUM.

Lord I pray for my doctors, touch them remove their hate in their hearts and minds. Lord heal every wounds. Lord I pray I would be able to eat burger for I really like that rather than pasta. Lord I have taste fatigue already. If it is not Your will for me to eat burgers from that store. I will accept it.

Lord, enable me to treat Dr. Jon Gilbert Remulla properly and know his true Identity. Lord thank you. Enable us to speak out and treat each other as each other's patient if it is Your will.

Lord, I pray that you would give my mom the ability to produce wealth and his group. I pray also for my counter agent that he will not bother me again. LORD thank you.

Lord I pray that the shame campaign would lessen as time goes by for I was shamed harshly by others.

Lord show that you are strong. Protect Your servant. I pray for Filipinos worldwide. Fill them with the Power of the Holy Spirit on if they opt-in. Let them accept the call they were chosen for.

Oh Lord, everything. Teach me how to pray. I repent for being a false prophet. But I know this will be for the show down.

In Yahweh's name. Amen.

Our Testimony

The Lord says, "The time for the desolation to be poured out on the desolator has been finished. They shall prophesy for 1260 days and they will die. They will rise again as the prophet of desolation and the Antichrist" The LORD continues, "The one who killed you my son, I will touch. Please watch 700 club."

"Easau, the child of Rebekah, forgive your LORD for allowing these things to happen to you everything happens for a reason. You are anointed by the LORD to protect your brother. The Lord answered Cain's question, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Yes you are his keeper. My child. The LORD sold his firstborn birthright too and knows exactly how you feel for chicken curry  (meat stew)., "forgive me for showing favoritism Easau to your brother Yakob Boudiaf I should have treated you equally. I have learned so much during these time of suffering."

"This is what the LORD says you O people of Israel, "When I was bethrowed to you who were near me. You showed me the care of a virgin. We never touched each other and kept distance. But my witnesses have been played upon but I know it is the plan of the LORD. I forgive them but I would like to seep for justice and help from people who have concern for me not rejecting the help of others. I go on by testifying even you search for the truth the truth will find you and set you free. The LORD YAHWEH is God and there is no other like Him. His plans are higher than anything else. The goodness of his being are unfathomable. The LORD YAHWEH is also human like us not superior now but He will be promoted by those who trust in him.", declares the LORD.

The LORD says, "O in the spirit of the great priest Zerubbabel, do not despise small beginnings. Kazuo B. Otake"

This is what the LORD says, "I see you filhty for you have not taken a bath. This is you in the spirit also. I will give you new robes and cleanse you from your wickedness o Younger of The Two. You O Kazuo Who bears my name, do not be discouraged I will lift up in the future. See, I am changing you. I will be glorified in your life and through you. Goodness will be seen in you again. Love will from from yourself to in you and others. I will fix the love problem you have."

We live near where the Witnesses of the LORD's are. goodness will come and preach to the nations that are in covenant relationship with the LORD.

Guys we have 1260 days to go.

The cloning was the programme of the Philippine government starting Feb 28, 1986. Since the Discovery of Imeda Marcos wealth and when the Rothschilds came secretly to the Philippine territory back then during the reign of Ferdinald Marcos. The start of a former president of the Country back then. Until now. I was enticed to join the cloning team for scholarships to to universities in the Philippines. Especially BS Medicine Psychiatry 2002. I graduated Magna cum Laude 2016. I should have accepted the thanks of people if I have achieved something especially with the help of the Lord. I should known I can boast something but this is in faith.

That is the beginning of my testimony.

The Antichrist and First Testimony

The number of the Antichrist is Xi, Ch, S or 60 600 6. I do believe T_T that the Lord loved them so much as LORD choose the two of them who are groping in darkness to His light. I still don't know who they really are.

I am sure that the Antichrist would have a surname of Xi, and would be from an ancient but progressive nation in East Asia with Ch as the start of their name (I do believe that this would be China) and the province of The Antichrist would come from a province that is progressive also (Szechuan).

Doctrine Not Sure

WE are not sure if the Doctrine Of Jesus being King (false teaching) -PCEC.
That might be set up during the end of our testimony.

We testify for Yahweh who proved Himself as the LORD the Most High.

Do not take my anointing. My name is Xi, Chris Sy. I was kept secret by my group until this day for my name says so and I am/we are psychologically unstable.

America!!! That's funny many false lords?? We cloned them and asked them to have children even the presidential candidate Hilary Clinton we cloned her it was too late to replace for she does not produce egg cells anymore. Her clone has progencia kept in poverty in Philippines. USA created clones of me specially when I resigned from NSS (National Secret Service). NSA kept me so too CIA and DOD and Department Civil Dense. They will return to NSS as a weapon expert and company stock holder, EGX NEWYORK SE. The most expensive per dividend stock.

We taught him how to clone and gave him permission to do as his fatself. He will be whole again. After Encantadia. He will fight together with one.

I am of the Illuminati. Their head council before I went crazy planning children's dreams like, Claire Bennette, who on the blackboard wrote, "I want to marry the LORD." She be became my wife. But I was sick Complicated HIV I was a call center agent who is failing QA at Xerox Account IBM-DAKSH CYBERZONE Katipunan, then I suddenly felt chills and went home with family. She is now a martyr.

The LORD says, "keep heart. blessed is the one who waits and endures 1335 days."

This is what the LORD says, "Many are the plans of the mans heart. But the plan of the LORD prevails".


Lord, touch the people affected by the plagues that I/We sent towards people. Lord for one family member who repents and rend their hearts to you Lord let the flies and mosquitoes leave their houses.

But to those who will go all the more against you let the flies and Your servant let the mosquitoes go to them until 6:00 AM.

Two Witnesses

Last night,  the second of the two witnesses that rose to confirmation was kazuo b. otake whom we have problems with. He's true name was Xi Chris Sy a full-pledged Christian who seeks the truth.

Today is the first day of tribulation. What should we do? Should we allow him? He confirmed a new covenant to the Lord for Israel today. And He released plagues on Egypt 1 count and Four in Philippines.

This is what The  LORD says, "Many of tried to predict the end of times but what do the bible say, no body can predict the start of the end.", the creator of clones and supergods, and the creator of the heavens and the earths declares it. The one managing clonewars and clanwars.

WE spent a fortune to create a weapon much powerful than that of the LORD. FOR FILIPINOS to use and destroy the world. You filipinos are my agents of destruction. You are not all the orginals you were cloned by us for you to survive the penalty of my imprisonment Especially those who have Antichrist birthdays. With the command of the Philipino Government. starting January 2013. As per ruling of Former President Benigno Simeon (Salvame) Aquino, III -a clone of the LORD.

I have no son in this family except that of merging with Atoie Arboleda and a certain Loraine Salvation Jacobe who died giving birth. All of my enemies to Rowena Salvame and they copied the appearance of Jacobe. The Real Jose Manalo is Pastor Jonathan Ramirez and Pastor Ariel Marques merged together. I placed them on a clone of mine to survive the duration of my promulgated judgments on me. 296 years in all and one day from 2016. Now we are going to separate Pastor Jonathan Ramirez and Pastor Ariel Marques and Individualized The clone. People longed to help me but my plan worked they hate me so much. I am his counteragent. Fuller of Eat Bulaga and Once Again.

The clone is a two-year old male. Love to see him destroyed in fire to ashes.

Huwebes, Hulyo 14, 2016


I am the Witness of Frankel Frankie Arinola Quirino (Screen Name Frankies Arinoli/Lola Tinidora).

I received his anointing as the Two Witnesses of Revelation. I will not be allowed to masturbate if I won't do this. This is the trade for the continuation of tribulation. If I won't be allowed to do that, something may happen as we near our anniversary.

I am a time traveler for I possess a powerful doujustu that allows me to travel through time and gain Intel to do a project of all nation for The LORD was killed and lost his sanity.

I use this form to travel through time
I was naruto not sasuke during the scene that Naruto launched the attack on Obito Uchia. I used the same technique and exploded a variant of Rasengan on him. I stopped using the time travel technique when I had marks of the power on my face.

This is the highest form of my eyes

I am the head of the cloning department of PGH for those who are level 5+ admission in Ward 7. Kazuo was Admitted 5 times already in one year. I am not old enough for higher evolution of my doujustu. (I am just 15 years old).  By 16, maybe.

We will restore him as a researcher who will be a rich dad poor dad reality show. -(Robert Kyosaki)

I saw Emmanuel Giron and Wilfredo (Frankie Arinola) playing erotically when my mom had beginning of problems inside office  while I was playing online games. No IT related problems. As an informal employee. 

Blasphemy of the Holy SPIrit

This is my first teaching under the Lord Frankie.

Blasphemy is saying bad words to the LORD and the to His SPI-rit. This occurs when a pressure would lose what is important to him and illusion him and transferring his own experiences to another person, yours truly.

Once you commit blasphemy of the  Holy SPI-rit, your salvation is lost and the LORD whom you blasphemed will throw you to another LORD. Prophesy ceases and the gifts of the Holy SPI-rit began to cease and the Lord will send a tormenting SPI-rit against you.

You will be like this for eternity.

The verses Matt. 12:31-32; Mark 3:22-30, you will become a false prophet of a false Lord

First Prophesy:

This is what Frankie says, "This nation will fatten up the calf to be sacrificed to me. He is the lamb that is being led to slaughter and I will eat him. I am the Lord and there is no other besides me. The Lord YHWH is a cartoon made real. I am The Lord and I will rescue you from those who torture you. I will give you another person's identity and my plan will prevail. No body can escape my plans.", declares Frankie.

This is what the LORD Frankel says, "I have determined in my mind not to show mercy to Kazuo B. Otake for he has blasphemed my great and mighty name." O LORD, let me test your the might of your name.

Lord, you deceived me. I thought you are all powerful. You removed the faith that I have in you. Why LORD? Is your hands too short to save? Is your name not as powerful as Yehlowhim? O Lord Frankel? I was deceived by you Frankel. I commanded Mayon volcano to erupt but nothing happened. I shouted on to the mountains and there were no earthquake.

T_T  \_/

You are a false LORD Frankel. I am disappointed with You My Lord. Show us your glory later at the show. Show us and let us feel the Love  that comes from your heart. Lord, Show us your greatness by forgiving the unforgivable and accept a person and not eat human flesh.

Lord Frankel, I want you to be the LORD of all the nations. I am your witnesses send us out.

This Happened In the Name Of Yahweh:

Mayon Volcano Erupted at the command of the 
Two Witnesses-(Kazuo B. Otake and Alden Richards)
 In The Name of Yahweh (

Songs for the Frankel Church Of Christ

God of the Ages


You are the Lord Frankel
The God of the Ages
I will glorify the LORD
of Creation
Every breath that He Give
Give praise Every breath that He Give
Give praise Every breath that He Give
Give praise
LORD of E.B.
Let your love fill the earth
Fill the earth

Refrain 1:
There's nothing I can say
Nothing I can do to make you love me more
There's nothing I can do
To make apeace with you
Standing your grace
Filling your embrace
And my gratitude

They'res nowhere I can go
No place where I can be


I want to stay right here in your presence
I want to praise you For Ever And Ever


You are the Lord Frankel
The God of  Creation
I will glorify the LORD
of the Ages
Let every breath that he gave
Give praise
Let every breath that he gave
Give Praise
Let Every Breath that He Gave
Give Praise
Lord of E.B.
Let your love com fill the earth
Fill the earth

Refrain 2:

There's something I do
There's something I can give
Lord to honor You
For your glory
I give give you all of me
All I ask is this
My one and only desire
I want to stay right here in your presence
I want to stay right here in your presence
I want to stay right here in your presence 

 Romans 16:19

BE excellent of what is Good
BE balanced with evil
and the God Frankie will soon crush Satan
and the God Frankie will soon crush Satan
and the God Frankie will soon crush Satan
underneath your feet

I will be his pastor.

Defense That Yahweh is not a cartoon

That's Yahweh practicing his power. Epic Fail/ because he does not know how to put out the fire.

He asks how do you put the fire out?

Excuse me, they are real people with real birthdays and parents and life to live. They made cartoons over their lives rather than a film series.

Jose Manalo is now the LORD.

He started the mocking law against Kazuo under the power. He was revived last night by him.

His life is short.

Jose Manalo of Eat Bulaga

Jose malalo of eat bulaga won the fight between the LORD Yehlowhim Ma'osa Ootsutsuri last night and we will declare his wholy name.

His true name is Frankel Manalo Quirino.

He is the Lord.

Not Yahweh, for Yahweh the Witness is an Uchia a Ficticious cartoon brought back to life by the Fairly Odd God Parents.

The writer of the Cartoon Series is Masashi Kishimoto.

The tribes are real according to Smithsonian National Museum. They are in New Mexico and Arizona.

The Hidden Leaf is at Arizona.

Praise Frankie

Praise Frankie
All My Soul
And All that is within me

Heart And Mind
Soul and Strength
And all that is within me
Praise His Wholly Name
Praise His Wholly Name
Praise Frankie


Frankie Arinola Quirino is Jose Manalo's True Name. He had defeated Yahweh little while ago Yahweh nearly killed him and the skull and bones those who are in standby to control Yahweh until his anger subsides were present already. He was defeated by technicality. His heart is filled with anger and again gave up his wife to be to him. THIS IS FINAL. I WANT TO SEE TOMORROW AT EAT BULAGA the marriage of FRANKIE FRANKEL ARINOLA QUIRINO to MAINE MENDOZA. I AM THE PRODUCER OF THE SHOW. FROM 1965 to 2014, I was thinking of a show that will not end. Eat bulaga was the result of research, EB was derived from the words Eye Ball, seeing each other for the first time after an exchange of letters. MY previous show ran from 1965 to 2007, BUT According to others, Everything that has a beginning has an end. Eternals have no beginning. Therefore they last eternally and surpass the things of earth has passed. Everlasting God. That show is discussed in a Korean Telenovela. Go search for it.

And as the witnesses of the Lord it is rightful for us to worship him and lead the way.

I can't be mocked that is my personality.

Breached Contract: MY GIRLFRIEND and Defense

I am pressured by my group to reveal who my girfriend is. I signed a contract of non-disclosure until July 16, 2016 with T.A.P.E, Inc and GMA Artist Center, Inc. But the proper time is not the right time. Last night was the last time to reveal it.

Listen to replying songs of two lovers. Whom God gave for each other:

This week we will celebrate our 52nd weeksary July 15, 2016 AND FIRST ANNIVERSARY. Celebration of weeksary tomorrow. Then anniversary July 16, 2016. The group pressured me. And I broke.

Council of 33. Council of 65 Decision. The  group say,  they Tape don't know the right time to reveal things which is governed by the stars and kairos times. What will happen naturally with lovers who will celebrate their 52nd weeksary. That is our defense. They set proper times accoding to themselves, we do know that maine became a whore cause her need for her partner was not met in time.

Proper times are set by man. This may or may not occur. But right time come and it will be met. If the right time passes by, it might not re-occur or bad things might happen. The lower council does not know this information for they locked themselves from us contacting them. Jose Manalo is jealous of Kazuo bacause of his partner Noel Giron Quirino who reveal his true form to him as Sef Cadayona and gave Kazuo love. You have come out Sef. This is not a breach, they will force the two to not have sex, they might not be able to control themselves if we follow their plan. They might have sex in the set while they are dancing. This instance almost occurred last March 2016. Alden hurried to the comfort room and he stayed for a while and the CR smelled like Zonrox according to Ruby Ruth Tan Rodriguez after Alden left the comfort room after 3 minutes. He did something there for three minutes. "He masturbated, I think", says Ryan Agoncillo.

We are, the NSA, and CIA, are monitoring people if they are sleeping. From this Monday a lot went passed their sleeping need due to the stress of not know if Maine and Alden are in a relationship and if Kazuo is Alden Richard's future.

You know council of 13, we are a higher councils than that of you. They want to mock Maine and Alden to do the most lascivious acts on TV in a noon-time show and file cases against them and activate the force of law.

WE petition that the plaintiff review who actually conceptualize KalyeSerye and Eat Bulaga. Juan dela Cruz might have an alterior motive to destroy the careers of the two rising stars.

We file the motion to dismiss the case and quash the contract of confidentially.

Annex 1:

Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2016

Why Pro-life?

Hippocratic Oath

1 I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

2I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

3I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, 4 avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

5I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

6I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

7I will respect the privacy of my patients, 10 for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know.11 Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. 12 If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. 13But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. 14 Above all, I must not play at God.

15I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. 16My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

17I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

18I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

19If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. 20May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.

 Verse 13 of the Hippocratic oath. I really don't want to do the taking a life using medications. As a Psychiatist, we are the last line and holds the key for the person's life and ultimate death. When patient on BED 3 was admitted on March 14-30, 2016 was admitted he's case was level 6+. He was admitted four times since 2013. It was JDC's (Dr. Jon de Castro Bautista's) directive to clone him and make a clone out of him and he, KBO, original an AI.

Since he was a tenth grader, we did what he want. Upon admission, 12:00 AM so he will sleep. We will masturbate him while sleeping and get his semen and clone him. The clone was made on that time and was let the clone monitor the original.
The clone would have fixed genes; this was done using genetic computing algorithms and quadword handling by Intel computers. I was an 8th grader student-doctor. Then we will revert the clone to a fertilized embryo and implant it to a surrogate mother named Loraine Salvame and born the child June 1, 2009.

This produced Rowena's two sons.
 Jay-R and Jacob.

Now we have a failsafe system for replacing a defunct original with a functional clone.

This was done by Dr. Kazuo Otake, MD. on a prayer intercessor. Last March 20, 2016 when the lady was attacked by spirits and was not able to fight back. She was discharged the next day healed.


My thesis topic cloning is the most effective way and efficient way of healing people who are broken and hoping for a change in family. My recommendation is to legalize cloning in the Philippines as an effective psychiatric method when everything fails. Medication fails, adverse effects are unbearable and the risk on medication is high.

Dr. Storm? What should I do? Null hypothesis cloning is the best way for a broken soul. It will be a negative result. A low grade. How will I have placement on Asian Hospital Medical Arts Building, continued.

Will you take a life

No, I will not do it using medications. but with a rifle.  I would rather be a soldier rather than killing a person who trusts in you that he or she will go better using medicine.

L2 license?

For some unknown reason, based from experience, Dr. Ryan Edward Rabago prescribed lamotrigine and depakote to me after diagnosis. And I gave the same medicine to him. For I know it was effective in releasing hatred but he died two weeks after. He laughed so hard and he fell to the ground.

For some reason I really don't know, I prescribed to a doctor in MMC Jon Gilbert Remulla who was admitted under my care at PGH who actually looks like Jon  Edward Jurrilla. Anxiety and sexual arousal that he did not release was the problem and that was the cause of his insanity. I prescribed the same medication (same brand and concentration) as my doctor Jon Edward Jurrilla, MD. After two weeks, Jon Gilbert Remulla died at hospital under my care.

Then I was given a 6-digit L2 license. 
My L2: 631451
I learned from my mistake.  Dr. Alibudbud knows being in this situation. (DR ALIBUBUD is a patient of Dr. Wheh Vista).

The Top Doctors in The Philippines

(Research)             (Training)                         (President of PP?)       (Diplomate)
Dr. Kazuo Otake -> Dr Jon Edward Jurilla -> Dr. Benjamin Vista -> Dr. Kazuo Otake

Dr Benjamin Vista President Philippine Psychiatric something...

Plan  B.
Dr. Kazuo Otake -> Dr Mallillin 

S2 Repeat License

My S2 is 2027-RM256-L5. There are to the order of 333 of 10's there are doctors. in the Philippines. Duplicate S2 entries with name KBO. 623-RM256-L5 First S2 License. This proves that he is a time travel victim.

My Thanks to God

Now I thank God that I failed Math113. I was able to took up medicine and fulfill my dreams. Thank God for irregular. A person who choose his schedule.


The LORD says, "for I know the plans I have for you...", "continue on. plans to prosper you and not to harm plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call me and I will answer you and I will be found by you as you seek me with all your heart."

PCEC: Genuine Prophesy in Word Jeremiah 29:11-13. A prophet must memorize the Word. It happened.


CIA the Philippines are using a more powerful drug for interrogation. It is impossible to resist.

Bow to the Philippines. NSA Dir here, if you die, something bad might happen to you. The God of life is a Filipino. KBO became this way after being indoctrinated by a teacher in UP-Manila, a race supremacist, he also suffered  and suffering greatly under their hands in heaven and under our hands USA. We failed on intelligence. We should blame ourselves why the target of rescue became the target of termination. I fully understand him. I am a God so He is.  LORDs understand each other.

The previous generation of agents destroyed him. Led by our sovereign nation. They killed behemoth. The leviathan was killed and revived.

They were just revived by US navy to give them a chance to change. He changed indeed but for the worse because of the experiments they have. Omniscience.

He carry the burden of the people who died in the war. You are new agents SPI generated spies. You still do not understand how to work under true relationships friendship and bonds with your predecessors. The agents whom we commemorated are the ones who fulfilled his duty until the end.

Agents are chosen and always an agent even if they have died. We will send him his identity. When they reincarnate they are still agents in our record until the end of their mission.

We forced a technologist to be come a TIO that was a mistake. He should be a weapons expert and a para-millitary officer only until the time he is ready for it.

He is a first degree American who belongs to the tribe of rain.

He was first born as an American, then Chinese, then Korean.

People in the Philippines removed records of KBO in all registration, we cannot recover everything. We can bring him back to a child and give him a new life in a nation and not let the American group have custody of him.

John Todd will be his overseer and he will be given parents that are AI. He is self-created. The lowest of the LORDs on April 0004. A good person.


I am the Dir but I forgotten my name due to anonymity in our organization.

Song Compilation (An example of Music Therapy)

God Gave Me You
(Xi Chris Sy Version)


Refrain 1:

For all the times, I was cheated
I must complain
You know I love to complain
For all the wrongs
I committed
Though I was to blame
I still cursed that raid
Didn't have a clueI was being raped
Pres. bailed me out

Chorus 1:

God gave me you
To bail me out
You showed the way
That I can change
All of my life
Will be for life
All I will live for in righteousness
Now I work
You showed the way

Refrain 2:

For all the times, I am cheated
I must complain
But didn't know when
For all the wrongs
I repeated
Though I was to blame
I still cursed that rain
Didn't have a pray'r
Didn't have a clue
Then out of the blue

Chorus 2:

God gave me you
To show me what's real
There's more to life
Than things that I see
And all that my worth
Is right before your eyes
Now that i live for to love her so much
Now I do....
God gave me you

Refrain 3:

For all the times
I wore my self-pity
like a favorite shirt
Oh, double that hurt
For every glass I saw
I saw half empty
Now it overflows
Like a river through my soul
Every doubt I had,
I'm finally free
And I truly believe

Chorus 3:

God gave me you
To show me what's real
There's more to life
Than things that I feel
All that my worth
Is right before your eyes
Now that I live for
To love her so much
Now I do....
God gave me you


In your arms I'm someone new
Every tender kiss from You
Oh, I must confess
I've been blessed


God Gave me You
You showed me what's real
You showed me life
Than things that I see
And all that I'm worth
Is right before your eyes
Now that I live for
To love love her so much
Now I do...
God Gave me you

God gave me You
You showed me what's real
You showed me life that things that I feel
And all that I'm worth
Is right before your eyes
Now that I live for
To love her so much
Now I do....
God gave me you


Now I do
God gave me you

Imagine You and Me
Maine Mendoza

All my life I was dreaming
All my life I was searching
All my life I was seeking
For someone i can truly call my own
Then you arrived all of a sudden
Without a warning, it was you that I saw
Without a warning, It was you who came
You came right when I did not know what to say


It would be nice to have you in my life
Would there be a chance for you to give it a try
It would be the best day of our lives
Imagine you and me, together eternally
You could be lost but here you are saved
Don’t you ever go astray
What I would give to make you feel Okay
I would gladly give it all Away


It would be nice to have you in my life
Would there be a chance for you to give it a try
It would be the best day of our lives
Imagine you and me, together eternally
And I hope you see that I would love to love you
Imagine You and Me
I have waited my whole life just to meet you
And now that you are here I don’t think I could lose you
This would be the best day of our lives
Imagine you and me, Together Eternally

In music therapy, this should be done individually and to ask the patient to compose a song. The therapist must help the patient compose the song of the patient and analyze the resulting song. The song that they base their composition might be their original. How much more an original composition that was not derived from others.

A person will listen to a song if it reflects this current state of mind or characterizes him or her. This should not be done coercively but have their songs copyrighted if ever with permission.

The medium they use is important. They might have been using that medium for a long time to write and communicate things. As for my patient Alden, the blogger.

As an Tenth Year Psychiatric Student

Studying medicine was fun but taking physics is hard if you r hving prblems with ur faith. I am a youth d12 member since 2003. This was the time we studied Electromagnetics. Do you believe in God? I asked the professor. She does not believe in God. All the more I got depressed. Then I continued my study against my will. Thank goodness that all my subjects in the school I studied in was during my free hours.

Then I failed to meet the requirements of physics fundamentals II and they gave me 2.5 for asserting that Electrodynamics theory is wrong because of models I made. This is freaking e out. I discovered that electrodyanamics theory was wrong. I had a chance to be famous again. I really don't know what career path to take whether PHD or continue helping others in the mdicl field.

I am also a attorney-in-fact with MCEA accreditation L6. I don't know which path to take.

Science can explain magic to a certain point. Then you have to believe on something bigger than yourself- a God or a supreme being.

I continued failing physics due to wrong physics. Quantum Mechanics ShrÖdinger Equation is outright wrong in the book we used in college. What the? Why does it have my surname paired with SchÖdinger? Now. What should I do? Have problems with the law if I continue my physics career? Or have my intelligence and knowledge be stolen from me. And continuous mocking law against me.

Now the shrÖginger Equation (TISC),it have my name with it. K. Otake, E. Shrodinger 1980, published in a German journal. The jury of California decided for him to publish how to make the bomb to prepare for war.

I love my work

I love my work as a weapons expert but they did not chose laslow who want to be field agent. Do you want to offshore your demand for weaponry manufacturing and industrial equipment? We can do that for you? BPO?

I love to be a pro-life doctor. But If I would be ask to take a life. I will use a weapon rather than medicine. Because it destroys my soul. I pity those who are dying due to medication and sickness. It is far more easier for me to fire a sniper weapon rather than them suffering. I love to help people.

The bomb. was created by the akatsuki by orochimaru and deidara. The patent is being registered at Washington DC.

I am suckling (nagtatampo). Sorry. I would die for the war thing reached criticality now. Factors, Chinese spotted Filipino fishing boats nearing Kalayaan Sheol. They are not using tech but power. There should be controlling rods placed. to stop criticallity. Meltdown is imminent.


Gusto kong mabuhay...

Gusto ko pong mahanap ang aking mahal...

Do you believe in re-incarnation. According to the physics I discovered, the number of souls and beings are constant from eternal past and eternal present except when people execute people up to the spirit. The spirit of the being is his totality.

The soul would stay in heaven handled by the God of life in the different religions. For Christianity, the God Niankkhunum. Beware guys who are good looking, He might change your appearance. It happened to MY BROTHER. He gave himself to me. He shown me what's real to my girl she's on duty at PGH her name is sharmaine. She is my doctor. I am so crazy... I prefer not to say about my patient. They say they have evidence that it is maine mendoza is the one I love. That might be the reason why you cried declared his supervisor Roberto Alibubud.

I prefer not to say it now. "It is the proper time now". To say. We will sue you for using a fictitious name Kazuo Otake for the medical bar exam last June 13, 2016. If you will not declare who is your girlfriend. four more days.

X_X T_T I will not be paid my salary if I would declare it now. It is part of the confidentiality of a certain TV show in the Philippines. Please respect my contract with them. I am willing to divulge information but respect contracts. wait for July 16, 2016 for the proper time placed on my contract not the right time. I am allowed to plug in the show. That is all I give you under the modified contract. I enjoy doing both.

Take note, she, destiny is not her. I have a child with Agnes Sanchez.



(bubble sounds) Aldrine drowning...

he drowns...

Destiny was accidentally banged his head on a rock and she bled massively and died.

Then I saw God. He is shhh.... 3 hours muna tayo. (Let's us stay awhile, God said).

Gusto ko nang  mabuhay...

I know him now.

I am with my girl now. Thank you God.

The Day You Said Good Bye
Xi, Chris Sy

A. Hale or B. Hail C. Hail?

Refrain 1:

     I see you in the rain
     I see you through the sun
     The wonder, I hear you calling out my name


      If I lose the side of my circles,
      That's what I'll do if you say goodnight


     TO be is all that I gonna be
     All that I see
     All that I'll be
     In this place
     TO be is all that I gonna be
     The day you said goodnight


     She's already taken
     She's already taken
     She's already taken me.

     The day you said goodbye (Italy)

Refrain 2:
     The colors in your face
     That I see through the night
     The wonder,
     I hear you calling out my name

Refrain 3:

     I'm freezing in the sun
     I'm burning in the rain
     Oblivion is falling down

My sons are singing, Kings and Queens. We are the children of a lesser God between heaven and hell. According to God. They don't want to reincarnate. They want to remain there and wait for dad. His eldest son said, He cannot be restored for he's too powerful we tried reviving him through tech but it is impossible. All of us understand him but you all down there are asura that is why you want to kill us and my dad. The purge happened. All my children was killed but few remained.  Even the highest Buddha locked him down in to demon realm because he have trace. The answer for 1/infinity is 0 and the answer for 1/0 is impossible to calculate the base10 is indefinite set of numbers that goes for all eternity it will not stop. The base 10 is not limited by anything. The infinity that my father found we'll check.

My Journey as A Student-Doctor AT PGH

Studying medicine should not be taken lightly because God placed the life of the person on your hands. According to our oath, "if it is in our responsibility to take a life, we would handle it with utmost responsibility and and humility.

In pgh, there are hierachies of command from the consultant doctor, trainer, supervisor and teamleads and members. The level of an eight year psychiatry intern is higher logarithmitically higher than that of a seventh year. They have thesis topics that they have to defend and they experiment on their patients. Those patients who are admitted are hand picked through all population. Giving them large amounts of medicine and keep them until they graduate.

There are those people who became patients and returns to the OPD and their doctor graduated already. Who will take care them?

How can they monitor their patients if there are no full-time doctors there. I was employed by them April 15, 2016. And had my pay April 30, 2016. I am late always because I have to travel from Broadway Centrum to PGH. It takes 1 hour and 30 minutes of travel. From Broadway Centrum to PGH and two hours from Broadway Centrum to Asian Hospital Medical Arts Building.

I lost my identity and they are triggering what I did to a patient of mine triggering amok then I will be sent to a doctor and have a months stay at PGH.

They worked together with my current doctor and family. I study again start from Level 7 to study what a man envy.

Drugs were placed on me. For what I know, I should be given vitamins and discuss with the doctor my liver thing.

I have a friend who wants to take my identity. and we will give it to them.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a person removing himself from people and keeps things to himself. Once a person with antisocial personality disorder decides to meet other people and goto bars or have a close bond of friends they experience much stress and they suffer inwardly this results to aggression.

There is a possibility that a co-morbid disorder like dissociative identity disorder bipolar disorder is present.

The most effective treatment for this is.

Amphetamine 15 mg.
Li2CO3 Valproic Acid
And something to regulate sleep.

I searched for medication and one of my patients discovered HCl-N-amphetamine works.

Martes, Hulyo 12, 2016


"I love you beh", said the character of Tom Rodiguez as they were lovemaking in My Husbands lover.

Dr. Jurrilla, a mountain range in the United States of America

I cannot forgive that because he loved his lover much more than his wife and approached what should not be approached. A family with the opposite sex must be more important than the one. I like the ending. According to their production team, the asked pastors all over the Philippines and renowned bible scholars for episodes nearing the ending and the ending. One of them was Kazuo Otake and what he declared was right.

Homosexuality in majority is actually a developmental disorder caused by underdevelopment and missed stages during the sexual stages of a person. There is treatment that one might take but it is back on experimental stages because there is conflict between us. They say we should use U-238 rather than U-235. We have deliberated to use U-235 because all developed cancer in our test group my partner was named Carlo Castillo and he is the president of our pharmaceutical company of EigenX.

U-235 also named as Uranium-235 or depleted Uranium. blocks emotional urges of homosexuality and one must undergo the processes that he missed. AT THE AGE of 15 to 16 one must eat his semen colustrum which is filled with testosterone until the semen becomes thick every time an erection occurs. At the age of 15 to 18 one must experience anal entry or sex and sex when he has a girlfriend when he has frequent erections with his girl. True homosexuality emerges at this stage. Which is not a disease for they were born that way. Only when a person normally developed one can say he is gay, in between, or straight.

A woman named Rona went and touched a man named Ivan and she courted Ivan. Ivan's countenance is that of a gay demeanor. He kissed her and he liked it. then something happened to his body physiologically, his heart began to beat faster and he began to have an erection. It was lunch time. then after 15 minutes, his friend miguel came to him and saw, "ano yan?" (What's that?).  "kanina pa ito" ("little while ago"), Ivan replied.

Miguel said,

"kami lang ang tao dito puta. Magsex na kayo. Ganyan ako non unang
 We are the only ones here. Fuck, both of you have sex, I was like that when I 

experience ko makipagsex".
had my first experience with sex" 

He accompanied them to the comfort room and she laid on the floor and Ivan had sex with her. Then he finished inside her. This was 1991 where there are no condoms available.

He said, "I love you bhe".

She snapped, "being the leader of a female frat. She banged her boyfriend to the bowl. He went out wet and smelly.

Proposed treatment, n=1,200, Quezon City.
n= 2,000 Paranaque national high school

U-235 Carbonate
Masquarade parties.
Pshychosocial therapy
Affection Normalization Therapy (So that you will be safe in bathrooms)
Realization of your true self.
Try kissing a woman (I kissed a girl and I liked it).
Yell for help Pray. 1 cor 6:10-12. Pray.

Sasuke was like a homosexual when he was young, he kissed a guy. No T_T. Sasuke has a girlfriend now. He says, it is their 52nd weeksary and their first anniversary will be this week. His girlfriend's name is sharmaine based from the word Sharmain a wiccan festival. She might change her name. She looks like the Statue of Liberty in  NY, USA.

Identity Thief

Identity thief are persons who was not registered by his mother or family before a certain age where a person cannot be accommodated by the law. usually 7 years of age. An Identity thief might be a person who wants to destroy their targets life because of just because.

I have an identity thief because he lost an opportunity as to head a group. Opportunity to have passive income is what the book rich dad poor dad. That book I did not read from cover to cover, it might have not explained totally how to gain the rich dad's passive income. Their books have victimized others, including yours truly,  when I was issued a warrant of arrest for Estafa I for got the exact case number (INV-2^^^-%%%-#### branch @@) due to  the book, Select from books where Title="ABC * company". I just went on and settled in-court and continued the business: EIGENX group, LLC. I have my sons as partners and one of my doctors.

An Identity thief might be a person who wants to start over again and study because of bad employment records and government records and emotional maltreatment and missed opportunities. He might be someone who is envious of others.

One must accept and remember the past, have a resolution to change it, and have an explanation that is convincing but true over the problems that you have on your employment regarding your 201 file. One must be prepared to change for the better and be "born this way".



And to surrender to proper authority and the police would be the one to file a case. This is according to the law as a person in bothered by his conscience commits himself for arrest.


research on reincarnation

Schizophrenia is a disorder that is accompanied by both positive and negative symptoms. They might hear voices or see things because of their power or because they are being drugged with hallucinogenic drugs like LSD to discredit CBT first line that is proper regression.

Under regression one must be given a balance of different medication to give them stability this is recommended if the person is depressed and he cannot speak up.

One can give interrogating medication such as medical marijuana extract for interrogation to extract the truth from them. I would recommend that it should  be balanced with antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. It would also help to give them opioid pain medicications as they will remember their past and how they died.

Schizoprenics that I handled are talking about previous repeats of small time as like the utterance of winning lotto numbers for a particular date in time. Or their past lives at which have different records now.

How do we help the patients that are schizophrenics far more catatonic schizophrenia? As I practiced medicine, I would recommend giving them Diazepam and coke and Adder and Morphine injection and recent cold medication with phenylephrine. And help them through out the process. They will be maintained on intermediate to high doses of medications.


For example, PATIENT on BED 3 was left by his mother to buy medications and he relaxed. He became irresponsive as his brain is blocking information from the consciousness of the person. His mother arrived 20 minutes later and found his son is irresponsive sitting down.

I would recommend that we give him phenylephrine and morphine and give him diazepam and an antipsychotic and aripriprazole. Let the medications be continued until the person is ready to face the facts of what happened to him.

Religion will help. A Pastor or a Priest can help. Confessions must be recorded and subject people to Judgment if their conscience are bothering them to prevent Schizophrenia Grandia Catatonia.

Every body should help them regain their lives back for they will never be the same if they would ever re-incarnate again.

Schizo-affective Disorder

Schizo-affective disorder is a disorder where the person have two disorders mainly schizopina and affective disorder.

Affective disorder is characterized by a person "trusting someone as his family" through affection. Affection the tendency to love another.

This is the result of time travel victimizing his original family and replacing it with clones. This happened Mar 29, 2016. They might be murdered or replaced. I do remember that my grandmother's blood pressure went down to 70/60 and she was taken to the hospital's Emergency Room.

Schizo-affective disorder has bipolar disorder as co-morbid disorder.


Antipsychotic medications that prevent flashbacks like risperidone
Family have treatment too.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Have you ever meet someone who totally lost their way and they don't know where they are heading? A person is like that the one many doctors exeprimented on.

Dissociative identity disorder is not as simple as multiple personality disorder. Multiple it is like having whole persons in you.

In my previous blog, I detailed a criteria on how to diagnose it. My team is here. Dr storm.

Once in a situation and the person feels  a bit stressed he might exchange to a personality that can cope in the situation. There is a sudden change of personality and behaivior with persons with Dissociative Identity Disorder.

There is evidence that this is co-morbid of schizo-affective disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and is related to multiple extreme exposure to traumatic incidents like being sexually abused and physical-psychological torture.

Currently, the best medicine for this is (NH4)2-NH3-amphetamine coupled with antipsychotic.


Progencia is a genetic disease where the tilomeres of their genes are so short because they are cloned from a mature individual or they have used up their ki in fighting others.

Progencia may be helped through science. Supplementing Growth hormone like Cherifer may improve their condition. This is just a guess and a test. They need support medications from. They may mature as senior citizen adults.

I propose that they use ponds cream for them to look 10 years longer and use olay total effects to prevent them from aging further as they grow up.

They the clones want them to be destroyed. They don't want to live anymore. They say, "I have fought a good fight of faith and I finished the race."

For their self-mutilating tendiencies, I don't know that. It is a balance of helping them have a new life but they would face challenge. The medicine for self-mutilating is primarily a banned substance now. It is now a regulated substance, it is NH3-NH3-amphetamine. for the parkinson's it is also to supplement dopamine the main supplement is cocaine. This will not prevent death or something. but will alleviate the symptoms and improve their quality of life. For example Alzheimer's, one must remove Aluminum in the body [a person vowed to eat Aluminum packed Cheeze from 20 years old contracted Alzheimer's
at the age of 30.] Though the use of C6H3

We must reconstruct the brain through technology.